Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Genie's Case-Study

After reading the horrific case study about Genie, please post your reaction. In your response, please explain what is a case study and how is it different from an experiment. What did psychologists learn from Genie's case study? Also, post any reactions to reading the case-study.


  1. A case study is when you study a group for a long period of time. An experiment is when you do a lab on someone or something it take a short amount of time to do experiment. Psychologists learned that Genie had not been taught how to do things that people her age should know how to do. She was neglected by her father, and he would bark at her when she made noises or cried. My reaction was "how could anyone do that to a child" I thought as a parent you were supposed nurture and teach your child things instead of not even caring about them.

  2. A case study is an in depth investigation of an individual or small group, an experiment is used to answer questions about cause and effect. An experiment has variables and things to control while a case study is mainly just observing one thing and what goes on over time. Psychologists learned from Genie’s study that while you’re young you’re taught many simple things that greatly impact your life. Poor Genie didn’t even learn to speak or eat. The study really showed how much you learn while you’re re young really effects what you’re like when you’re older. My reaction to this study was that it really made me think how learning such simple things effect how I live my life. I had no idea that eating baby food and not learning to talk would make you look so much like a young child.

  3. A case study is an in depth investigation of an individual or small group and in an experiment participants receive a treatment such as a change in room temperature or a new drug. Psychologists learned that you’re supposed to learn how to do stuff at a certain age. My reaction is sadness that a parent would do that to there own child she was abused badly and not taken care of good.

  4. A case study is usually just observation, although it can include a treatment being delivered as well. An experiment involves the manipulation of at least one variable, while trying to hold all other variables constant. I think that what Genie’s father did was very wrong, although he only wanted to protect her, it was not morally right. I can’t believe that he locked his own daughter for more than ten years and nobody realized it. Psychologists learned that she never learned to speak, so she only knew about 20 words.

  5. To Dimond:
    I agree with what you were saying because I also cannot see why anyone would do that to a child.I also think you're supposed to nurture and teach your child instead of not caring for them.

  6. to Madison: I agree with how you felt about the Genie story, i feel the same way :)

  7. My reaction after reading the horrific case study of Genie was that she had a sad life growing up in an empty black room. A case study is when you study a person but you cannot experiment this case with Genie since one can't mess around with the brain. Psychologists learned from Genie's case study that she was hid in the basement with no interactions with the outside world, expect for the windows that just showed the streets, but that was all she basically saw. They also learned that she had no real toys and there was no color on anything that she had down there with her. She also didn't learn how to talk since she couldn't talk to no one and she missed that critical time when kids are supposed to learn how to talk but even when she got out, she still couldn't adapt to the language as she would have done when she was younger.

  8. A case study is an in depth investigation of an individual or small group. As to where an experiment is a method used to answer questions about 'cause and effect.
    Psychologist learned from Genie's case study that Genie had a large gap in between her development regularities. She was thirteen and had only twenty words that she could speak. The only words that she could speak, where all negative as well. Something as to where, most five years could know more than that and have more of an extensive vocabulary. Psychologist also found out that Genie had lack of nutrition to where her body wasn't fully developed to a normal thirteen year old's. They also learned, that Genie was locked out from the outside world being kept in a crib-cage in her basement, fed baby food, and had no actual real toys.
    This to me seems very horrific and cruel, something that no child would ever deserve. This child was not even developed, properly. Genie when talked to was barked at or beaten. This is pure cruelty and I would hope that no other child has to go through this ever again. I mean, she was at an age where she had to have learned a lot of things but, she didn't learn anything. So, it was a long stretch of her childhood just completely wasted. This story is real sad and I would hope that this would never happen again.

  9. A case study is a process or record of research in which detailed consideration is given to the development of a particular matter over a period of time. A case study is different than an experiment because an experiment is when you repeat the same act but change one certain thing to see if you get a different result. After psychologist studied Genie’s case, they learned that there is a critical point in a child’s life, that has not been developed so it is easier to take in things, and learn new words or things. My reaction to this case that I am shocked that a father would treat his child that way, also that just because a child does not learn things that most kids do at a certain time in there life they may truly never be able to do it.

  10. A case study is an in depth investigation of an individual or a small group, whereas an experiment is used to answer questions about cause and effect. An experiment includes participants that receive treatments, so it is something that you control and change yourself. A case study there is nothing that you personally can change it is just observing something or someone. Psychologists were able to learn if Genie was capable of developing after being deprived of any human contact for her whole life. In society today, it isn’t allowed to conduct deprivation experiments with human beings. To psychologists it is really important to have people like Genie even though it is really unfortunate.
    After I read the story about Genie, it made me want to know more about cases like these. I want to know… Can people really develop and recover from a situation like this? Also, after reading this I immediately wanted to know what happened to Genie and her family after they were relieved from captivity.

  11. The case study about Genie is really unbelievable and it's hard to imagine that someone would do that to their own child and family. A case study is an in depth research that psychologists do to try and figure out what the person was thinking and what his past consists of. Genie's case was a real tough and confusing one for many psychologists because no one really knew what this man was thinking and what his problem was to do such a harmful thing. Psychologists learned from this case that Genie was unable to speak or be a normal person after this horrific crime because she missed the most important of her life where you learn all your language and how to speak and the basic necessities that we overlook sometimes today as being a little thing or something everyone knows how to do. Genie's case study was horrible don't get me wrong, but it really showed and proved a lot of points to psychologists today.

  12. to Samuel: I agree with you because it wasn't right of what her parents did to her

  13. In genie’s case study I was extremely appalled because of all the horrifying things she had to go through. Her only food was baby food, soft- boiled eggs, and cereal, which was fed to her. She never learned how to feed herself and was completely disclosed from the outside world, therefore she never learned how to interact with other people or other environments. Genie’s toys consisted of cottage cheese containers and bowls, she never got to experience how to read and write or able to interpret colors. Genie lived in a basement and never was able to come out of it. Her only vision of the outside world was a window looking up at the street. She was thirteen years old and yet had the body of a six year old. This was a result to her not eating properly and a lack of nutrition.
    A case study is a detailed analysis of a person or group and it is different from an experiment because it’s an in-depth investigation of an individual rather than a test under controlled conditions to demonstrate a known truth and also examine the validity of a hypothesis.
    Psychologists learned a vast amount from Genie’s case study because she was unable to learn a language. Her father only barked to her, but he never spoke, therefore her vocabulary never increased. By the age of thirteen she could only acknowledge twenty words. This was an extreme shocker to psychologists because Genie missed that critical learning period at a young age so she was unable to ever learn because she missed everything throughout that significant time period.

  14. A case study is an in-depth investigation of an individual or small group. Experiments are done to answer questions about cause and effect. Case studies observe a person or a group for a long period of time and they record what goes on in their lives. Psychologists learned from Genie that a child has a certain time frame to learn basic things. Since the only things that she heard were negative commands and the barking noises that her father made, Genie’s vocabulary only consisted of 20 words and most of them were negative commands that she heard from her father. I can’t believe that a father could do this to their kids. Parents are supposed to treat their kids well and try to give them the best.

  15. Sammy i agree with you when you said that you are shocked that a parent would do that to their own child.

  16. I was sad about what happen to Genie. How can her father do that to her if she was only a little girl. He was thinking to protect her for the world but he was not seeing what he was doing to her. It made me think why the mother did not said anything when she came out of the house. The Psychology learned that we have a period to learn thing but she didn’t learn much because she never talk to her father hi only barked and bite her. Case study is when you study someone for a long period time. Experiment is when you take someone to a lab for short amount of time to do experiment.

  17. to taylor- i agree with all of your points and agree that this case was very horrifying

  18. To Mariela:
    I totally agree with how it's sad to live in a dark room & have not learned anything. I mean what a cruel way to live a life, huh? Oh well, this is just another way to make sure other children don't suffer the same consequences.

  19. to: trey
    I agree that it was horrfic what her father did and it should have never been allowed to happen.

  20. To Sydney:
    i agree that how could a father treat her own daughter like that...

  21. A case study is an in-depth investigation of an individual or small group. Experiments are done to answer questions about cause and effect. An experiment includes participants that receive treatments it is something that can be controlled and changed by the person conducting the experiment. A case study there is nothing can be changed it is just observing something or someone.
    Psychologists learned that Genie was unable to develop normally because she did not get the same treatment other kids have. She didn't see many colors and was never spoken to unless it was cruel and mean words and because she was 13 when this was found out about she was unable to process knowledge such as language like a young child does early in life.
    I must say this case study is awful. I hate to hear about such a cruel situation and it went on for so long. I can't even fathom why a parent would do that to his child.

  22. A case study is an in-depth investigation of an individual or small group. An experiment is used to answer and specific question. The main difference is an experiment is planned and case studies may not always be planned. Psychologist learned that people learn things as a child and the older they get make it more difficult for them to learn new things. My first reaction to this article was why would a parent or anyone do such a cruel thing to a child.

  23. This story left me shocked. I can't believe someone would do something so horrible to a poor child like her. The father was screwed up in the head. A case study is a deep study or investigation on a certain person or very small group. An experiment on the other hand is a test not an investigation. Psychologists learned so much about this study. If you do not teach a child from birth to about six how to speak or talk, then it will be very difficult for them to learn a language at all. Personally, I thought this was a very terrible case study. Just finding out that someone can be so cruel to someone and make a thirteen year old look about six years old. That's just ridiculous.

  24. To Ryan:
    I totally agree with what you said about her dad being arrested, but if you recall he took his own life after they found out what he was doing.

  25. To Anna:
    I definitely agree with what you said. I don't think that it was possible for a normal parent to treat a child so badly like that in the first place. I can't believe her father did that to her. It just breaks my heart. </3

  26. An experiment is a test that is performed on a human, animal,etc. A case study is the aftermath of an experiment, basically a case study goes in depth to why the experiment was done to that person or animal, and why it was placed in the environment, as well as the investigators thoughts and opinions on the experiment in general. I thought that it was horrible that a father would treat his own child like that. It makes no sense that a human being treated like a
    animal. I'm glad that genie finally got to outside and never has to worry about her father again, but it still shouldn't have took that long for her to be able to go outside and be free from the misery. I think that the psychologists learned how horrible some people can be, how appearances and how behaviors can become altered from having to stay inside a "cage" for eleven years.

  27. To Juan:

    I agree with your opinion that her farther was wrong for the way that he treated her even though in his mind he thought he was protecting her.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I agree with (Sidney) just because someone doesn't do things the way other people do it doesn't make them any less...they just may not be able to do it :/.

  30. The story about Genie mad me furious. I think its sad how her daddy would do that to her. She was deprived of her childhood because her daddy wanted to protect her from the world, and lifes out side dangers. I hate the fact that he did that to her. He made her eat ridiculous food, which had to stunt her growth! When it told that he did that to her mother and brother also, it made it even worse. How could he be that selfish? Then he sits with a shotgun in his lap! Genie cant even talk now due to her fathers actions. I hate the fact she missed her whole child hood because of someone else. Also, She is now handicapped. her father took his own life because he couldnt deal with the guilt. Sadness, because that makes him even more selfish! Im still angry every time i think about it. A case study is a small group or indicidual, and a experiment is a big group of people!

  31. A case study is an observation of a person or group over a period of time. In an experiment you do test on something to see how it will change. Psychologists learned that if a child does not learn a language as a baby/toddler than it will be nearly impossible for it to learn any type of language when it gets older. I was extremely sad when i heard about this case study! I don't understand how a father could treat a child like that. It would just be impossible for me to do any of those things to a person. He treated her like a animal. Making her live in a cage, feeding her bland foods, barking at her. He had issues himself to be able to do things like that to his daughter. If he hadn't killed himself before the police caught him i think he should of got a taste of his own medicine

  32. Case study as a method of research is used mostly in social sciences whereas scientific research, as the name indicates is a popular mode of research in life sciences. I think the father is disgusting. How can he live his life knowing that he beats his daughter and mistreats his wife and son. If I was he's wife I would've left him and take my kids with me to my family members.

  33. @Juan i agree with you! He could have protected her in a different way.

  34. A case study is an intensive analysis of an individual unit. the case study is common in social sciences and life sciences. Case studies may be descriptive or explanatory.

  35. To Yoana
    A case study is a process of research in which detailed consideration is giving to the development of a particular person. An experiment is a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact. I agree with your sadness but I feel angered as to how a dad would lock up his family. The dad was lessening the ways Genie could function as a human being till she only could know and say twenty words.

  36. Yo pienso que esta historia es muy triste. El padre es un descarrado. Si yo fuera su mjer yo lo hubiera dejado y me casaria con otro, o lo mataria.

  37. To China:
    I agree with you i would have left that freak show too!! And took my children and turned him in!

  38. to china: I agree with you,but the mother has the same fault as the father because she didn't do anything about it.

  39. to china: estoy de acuerdo con tu comentario

  40. A case study is the observation of a person or group throughout their lives. Case studies focus what small details that effect a person while an experiment has variables and planned out events. Through Genie's experience I realized how important little details are such as the color of your food or your toys. I think Genie's father had to have been pretty crazy himself to think he should hold his family captive. Genie's story was very sad and twisted. It's shame that no one realized what was going on at her house.

  41. The case study about Genie is more of an investigation instead of an experiment. A case study involves learning about ones childhood and how their childhood experiences contribute to current issues. Psychologists learn from Genie's case study that she was deprived of education, proper nutrition, and the outside world as a child and the only knowledge of the outdoors she experienced was the tiny window at the very top of the basement in which she was confined in. Genie only knew a total of about 20 words and had no other education. She was never allowed to talk and when she was released from confinement after her father died, she was never able to really learn the language. She missed the basic education on learning how to speak so therefore she wasn't able to pick up a language. In my opinion, I think it was wrong of her father to make her suffer through this experience. She was only able to eat baby foods, soft boiled eggs, and cereal and only got to play with "toys" that had no color; for instance, spool roles with no thread or empty containers. Her life had no excitement.

  42. sydney i agree with you i am shocked that a father would treat there child this way.

  43. To Diana:
    I agree that this was pure cruelty and I hope that no other child has to experience this again.

  44. To Sydney:
    Me too i was shocked by the way that this father treated her daughter. I think that parents are supposed to take care of their kids and wish them the best.

  45. To Juan:
    I agree with you.. How a father do that to his daughter like that.

  46. a case study is when you study something that happened instead of an experiment in which you control something and study the consequenses i feel that what happen to her was wrong and that the psychologists could have handle her situation better so that her life would have continued in a different path. i think psychologists didn't really learn anything they my think they did but they just don't realize that if things would have been done differently dan everything would have turned out different but they just don't have another chance to try it different

  47. A case study is when u study a group of people or someone for a period of time. This is different from an experiment because experiments are done in labs. I think that the psychologists learned that since Genie hadn't been taught to speak from a young age then it was unlikely to learn now that she was older. I would also like to add that it was really messed up that people ended up treating her badly and using her all over again.

  48. A case study is and investigation of a certain individual or in some cases a group of people. Sometimes they keep up with those people for years. After reading Genies I realized cruel people can be. I mean honestly who locks their kid up beats them and barely feeds them real food? I learned that if a chilld does not learn some form of language while they are young it will be super hard for them to learn s language.

  49. Juan: I agree with you it did not take all that to protect her

  50. An experiment is a method used to answer questions about cause and effect, on the other hand a case study is an investigation of an individual or a small group of people. When I heard the story of poor little Genie I was very shocked because you would never think that a father would lock up his daughter in a BASEMENT and BEAT HER! Psychologist learned that the first six years are critical to any person. That is the years when you learn to walk, talk, and do many other things that we do on a daily basis. Unfortunately little Gennie lost them critical years in her own basement.

  51. Lauren:
    I agree that the father had to be pretty crazy himself to do that.
