Thursday, September 22, 2011

Nature vs. Nurture

After reading page 73, take a stand on whether you think nature or nurture has the biggest effect on a child.


  1. I think that nature will have the biggest has the biggest effect on a person. I feel this way because, we can not change the nature. But the way we are treated or nurtured change change day by day.

  2. I think that Nature has the biggest effect in a child. This is because nurture can win over what is given to you by one's parents.

  3. I think that nature would be the biggest influence in your life, because although nurture affects you when your growing up, nature causes the biggest effect on what you become. So nature takes over nurture...

  4. I believe that nurture has a bigger effect on a child than nature does. I think that children are who they are by the way they are exposed to things. If they are around certain things, they are bound to be or try to act a way that they have been modeled of. It's what they see, that they learn to be.

  5. i think that nurture has the biggest effect on a child because it all depends and how you get treated like that determines how you become.

  6. I Think it nature has the biggest effect on a child.. because there parent can be smart person so they can give there genes to the child.

  7. I think nature is the biggest effect on a child. I say this because you can't help or change what is given to you by your parents. I do believe that nurture has an effect but nature plays a bigger role.

  8. nature most definitely has the greatest effect on children cause it just does. Nature effects what you do and it influences our children. Nature wins!

  9. I think that nature has the biggest effect on a child because it all depends on what you have from your parents and what was passed down to you.

  10. I also think that nature has the biggest impact on a persons life i agree that nurture can have an impact on your life but nature is with you from the start of your life.

  11. I believe that nature has the biggest effect on a child. I believe it to be this way because no matter what you do... you are going to have parents; a mother that physically gives birth to you. You cannot help the personality traits given to you by your biological parents. I also believe that nurture has an effect, but I think nature has a bigger role.

  12. I think that nurture outweighs the effects of nature on a child because even though children are similar to their parents both hereditary and genetically, generally how they grew up in their environment influences who they will be as an individual. What you learn as a child is what you'll grow up to be. For example, things such as values, beliefs, religion, & attitude are learned and practiced throughout one's life span. They are not genetic.

  13. I personally think that it is a little of both. i say this because nurture is how your environment is which could play a big part in how you do certain things. for example if you grow up in an environment where your father hits your mother most likely the kid is going to think its okay to do this or that it is normal. nature is the things you inherit from you parent such as looks or smarts which could help you become civilized human being

  14. Effects on a child I believe can be based on both nature and nurture. Parents might have been raised up not doing certain learning activities or activities that could affect the way they grow up, so therefore they wont pass on learning activities to their children since they were deprived of them as a child. Or the parents may have grown up in a bad household and end up to act the same way throughout life. Nurture shows the traits the child will receive, like tallness or facial features etc. Nature is based on the environment they grow up in. I think nature and nurture even out in the way they effect children.
