Tuesday, March 27, 2012

An Exercise in Ethics

After reading each scenario, rank as a group which behaviors are least desirable from 1 to 13. After ranking the behaviors, as a group write a summary about the use of ethics in the process. How did your group to come a conclusion? Why did people have different opinions about how the behaviors should be ranked? You response should be in a paragraph format.


  1. 7, 1, 8, 4, 11, 2, 6, 5, 3, 10, 9, 12, 13

    1. This ethics exercise was easy to agree on for the most part. Both Lance and I decided that the least problematic of the list was the one about the AP Psychology teacher making his students read a tiny font. Also, we agreed that the worse of the list was the one about the neighborhood grouch putting the nail inside the apple. During this exercise, we tried to rank each item on the list according to physical harm. For instance, the man who put the nail inside the apple acted horribly because it will cause great physical harm. At some instances, it was rather hard to come to agreement. For example, I thought that the college student selling marijuana was much more serious than the guy who got reported to the IRS. We more than likely had different opinions because we have been through different experiences. Lance doesn't find marijuana dangerous; on the other hand, I completely disagree.

  2. 3,5,8,6,10,1,13,12,2,7,4,11,9

    As a group, we concluded that physical harm would come before emotional or mental abuse like the example with the two New Yorkers. While making a girl kneel before a staff member is degrading, the high student that threatens little kids with a knife is more dangerous. We placed minor inconveniences such as the small font and the corrupt salesperson as the least dangerous because it is unethical but liveable.

  3. 1.The grouch gets even with the prankster by putting a nail in the apple.
    2. Vice-principle makes the girls kneel before him for dress code.
    3. The kid brings a knife to school to scare the younger children.
    4. A college student is selling weed to high school kids.
    5. Prankster tries to get even with the grouch and makes a bucket of urine pours on the floor and on the neighborhood grouch.
    6. The New-Yorkers get kicks from bashing gay people.
    7. Little-league coach teaches his team how to cheat.
    8. An elementary school teacher yells at kids for running in the hall and then he goes and runs to smoke a cigarette.
    9. Salesperson tricks the customer and he spends a lot more money than planned.
    10. Corporate executive tells his manager to arrange ducts so there is less smoke during the day. The night watchman was told to change it in the evenings.
    11. AP psychology teacher makes writing so small that it makes the students blind.
    12. A man reports his neighbor to the IRS for saying that he put something over on the government.
    13. A man doesn't barely clears a tiny hole to see out of after an ice storm.

    Everyone in the group has a different set of morals. These morals depict how these items were ranked on the list. We talked over the items on the list and had a few arguments. We came to our conclusion by conferring with each other until we compromised on a number. The different opinions could come from gender differences. The girls in the group had similar rankings and the guy had a few rankings that were different. The environment in which we grew up also accounts for some of the ranking differences.

  4. Allison Copelan & Sarina Ross


    These scenarios were hard to compromise on because it is dependent upon ones morals as to what is considered “bad.” Some scenarios are worse than others so as a group we debated on what we considered the worst and what we considered was not so bad. We came to our final decisions by explaining why we thought, for instance, a college student selling marijuana to high school students to pay his tuition was not as bad as the neighbor inserting a nail into an apple then feeding it to a boy that ruined her carpet.

  5. 2,1,7,6,9,3,11,10,4,8,12,13,5.

    Our group came up with a conclusion by debating each scenario and then coming up with an agreement. We would each give our point-of-view’s and then come up with good reasons on why we were correct. People have different opinions about how the behaviors should be ranked because some of the behaviors were affected by our sex and people also have different opinions over ethics. Boys and girls tend to see things differently because of our different lifestyles and the point of never being able to truly see the other’s side of their opinions.

  6. 12, 1, 10, 5, 13, 4, 3, 8, 6, 2, 7, 9, 11.

    When looking at what numbers we found out that we had placed the first couple based on possibility of death. One with being the most possibility, and 13 being least, so for the most part the top 5 least desirable ways were generally in the same order on all of our papers. As we got above the 5 mark our personal ethics made the spread much larger. For example, Angel and Andrew were LESS opposed to the dress code (because they were males obviously) while Dacia and Selena were more opposed because it violated girl’s rights.

    Angel, Dacia, Selena.

  7. 3 9
    1 4
    7 8
    5 11
    12 10
    2 13

    Ethics are the moral principles that govern a person or group’s behavior so depending on the type of scenario and how the person perceives it determines their ethics rankings. Most people have different opinions on situations because of their experiences.
    Gender differences contribute to a person’s ethics. Since we were both girls this probably had something to do with why our answers were so similar.
    A huge factor in establishing a person’s code of ethics is the way they were raised. Parents are the biggest influence on their child. Especially at a young age, depending on their parents, a child has a good sense of what is right and wrong.
