Tuesday, March 27, 2012

An Exercise in Ethics

After reading each scenario, rank as a group which behaviors are least desirable from 1 to 13. After ranking the behaviors, as a group write a summary about the use of ethics in the process. How did your group to come a conclusion? Why did people have different opinions about how the behaviors should be ranked? You response should be in a paragraph format.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Creative Classical Conditioning Experiment

In your group, create an experiment that follows classical conditioning. Make sure there is a US, UR, CS, CR. Please explain all of these aspects for your classmates to read. Once everyone has posted their experiment, please respond to one other group. In your response you should evaluate the accuracy of their US, UR, CS, CR. Read all of the experiments. We will be voting on the most accurate and creative experiment for extra credit.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Nature vs. Nurture

After reading page 73, take a stand on whether you think nature or nurture has the biggest effect on a child.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Genie's Case-Study

After reading the horrific case study about Genie, please post your reaction. In your response, please explain what is a case study and how is it different from an experiment. What did psychologists learn from Genie's case study? Also, post any reactions to reading the case-study.